HippoEDIT vs AkelPad

Started by Anonymous, June 21, 2011, 06:41:46 PM

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AkelPad is a small, expandable text editor.
Many plugins, scripts and flexible configuration.


That post says nothing.
Would you please contribute by providing a few pro and cons?
Just that what you see: what is better or not so good on AkelPad as on HippoEDIT? Or vice versa.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Yes (thanks Stefan).

I have checked already several times.
It is small, has a lot of small plug-ins, but I have not found something special (except of size).

What is most prominent features, that is used by you and not found in HE?
HippoEDIT team