General question on new project creation..

Started by RickF, June 24, 2011, 08:43:45 PM

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I've been wondering about this for a while now.. If I had a project open and close it (which displays the HE centered window showing recent files,etc), the Project->New selection is greyed out and unavailable.  I ran across this when I first downloaded HE and couldn't figure out how to create a project.  I ended up just doing "add-files" to the default project and then did a "save-as" which seemed rather unintuitive.. Is there some particular reason why this behaves this way?  I'm sure I must not be the only one that has been stuck by this...

Also, what's the difference between a project & worksapce?  I just noticed the workspace features in the File menu but am not sure what the differences are between it and a project.  Thanks!


In HippoEDIT you always have some project open - this is by design.
Even if you close a project, you just got new, initial project created. This is why "Project->New" is disabled. So, let say, New command equal to Close command.
If I will drop Close, for example, it will be also unintuitive, and people will complain, I think.

Project contains only files, tools and etc.
Workspace it everything: history, open windows, open project etc (check workspace properties). It is similar to solution file from Visual Studio.
HippoEDIT team


Thanks for the reply Alex.. Regarding the project new feature, it still seems unintuitive to me given your notion that a project is open at all times.  I've used a LOT of editors (going back to old Wordstar days back in the mid 80's) and any recent editors I've used (Eclipse, UEStudio, SlickEdit,  Ed for Windows,etc) always allow a Project->New and start out with no active project -- HE seems to do the opposite from what you're saying.. I'm not saying it's bad, just different and confusing if you come from other editors that think the "other" way -- which is probably the case for most of the people using HE I would guestimate.  I suppose others can chime in if they feel this is good or bad.. :)


Maybe it is not like in other editors, but I feel this way is better.
It is does not harm if you have initial, unnamed project open, and it does not request to be saved.
But if you just want to create a new project and start adding file, you can do this immediately, without additional "movements". And such, modified, project will request to be saved.
Let us see that others think, if I will get more complains, I can think about more standard logic.
HippoEDIT team