Anybody hear of Zen Coding?

Started by CodeWzrd, May 03, 2010, 02:04:02 AM

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I just read this article and watched the video and was blown away on how fast you can code HTML/CSS.

The comments suggest that their is lots of support for this plugin by numerous editors.


thanks for the link! The article itself not very informative, but video is really amazing.

My impressions were: a lot of stuff already possible in the HE (as snippets/templates, snippet input, a lot of built tags, template surrounf functionality, multiplication with selected line etc), so it is possible to have something like this in HE already, using existing base. Just somebody need to spent time for adding all this code templates for HTML.
Form another side I have seen a lot of ideas which are missing in HE but will be cool to have them, as: easy multiplication of templates by *5 or numbering by $*5, merging tags by + etc. This I will note for my self as to do, because HE is not a dedicated HTML or CSS editor but generic tool can be used with any syntax. So it will be good than other syntaxes can also benefit from such functionality.

Or, from 1.50, I can also evaluate of adding such functionality as a plugin, how it already done for a lot of other editors. Than it can be HTML/CSS specific only.
HippoEDIT team


Did not notice this post, here are the complete documentation and code

This feature is quite fun


Hi dufei,

and welcome on forum.

Yes, I agree that functionality is very cool, but it conflicts with existing HippoEDIT features (like code templates).
So, I need to think, how this can be integrated without destruction of current functionality. Or maybe better it as plugin, or just implement similar functionality.

... see my post before for more words :)

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


I want to and existing functionality should be no conflict, for example, all the zencoding code to use a key shortcut Ctrl + E to expand.
You can use the following notepad + + for this zencoding plug-in, the pattern on the good


Hi Duffei,

yes, you are right. That should work without any problem if expansion executed explicitly by some new shortcut.
Ok,  I will evaluate this for 1.50. It is already possible to add command plugin for it, so that should be not too complex, if the rest of coding already exist. I will place this into my todo.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



Thanks Bubby ;)
If you use it - I will appretiate a feedback about a plugin.
HippoEDIT team