How to request access as HippoEDIT registered user

Started by alex, January 28, 2015, 02:10:32 AM

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If you are registered HippoEDIT user, you can request access to the area using by following steps:

  • You shall be registered and logged in on forum (not as Anonymous)
  • Click on button Profile in forum top menu
  • On next screen click on Modify Profile button (second button in second level menu)
  • In context menu select Group Membership
  • In Available Groups section click link Request Membership for group Registered User
  • As reason for joining write: HippoEDIT license serial number or Share-it Order ID or your registration mail by Share-it or simply your registration name by Share-it.
  • Press Submit Request.
  • I will verify your details and will give access ASAP.
HippoEDIT team