Option to default-use other browser

Started by glnz, June 11, 2016, 06:30:01 PM

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Just starting with HippoEdit, and I notice that it seems to be its own browser rather than just an app window, and that the Help link to this Forum and other links open IN the app-browser.

Could there be an option to have all the links open in another default browser of my choice, like my Firefox (which has so much security it has called the Fire Dept. by mistake a few times)?

Newbie learning VBA from scratch
Dell Optiplexes with XP, 7 32-bit, 7 64-bit and 10 64-bit, all "Pro"


You can use this XML flag to control the behavior.
It will open all links in default Windows browser, which can be your Firefox then.
HippoEDIT team