Ctrl-D would not duplicate the first line in file

Started by Arthur, August 04, 2009, 10:55:56 PM

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If you would highlight several lines and the selection begins at the first line the Ctrl-D command would not capture the very first line of text.


Hi Arthur,

thanks for a bug report. Reproduced and fixed with 1.45.700, published today. History coming soon.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Thank you, but it does not work consistently as in case for lines below the top.

Pictures below explain.

Image "Expected" is how I thought the end result should look like.


Hi Arthur,

which version you have used? (asking, because 700 I have uploaded does not run on my test machine)

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



Strange... For me this worked as you want, but only selection is set to new text but not original (this is designed like this)

Maybe you can paste here the text (I have retype it, but in any case paste here, maybe something was missing). And also tell me exact selection coordinates and where is cursor.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


I did Ctrl-A and copied the whole text:

Wscript.Echo Int( ( 3394 - 1 + 1 ) * Rnd + 1 )

myString = "PRINCE GEORGE"
WScript.Echo LeftPad( myString, 3, "+" )
WScript.Echo LeftPad( myString, 30, " " )
Function LeftPad( strText, intLen, chrPad )
    LeftPad = Left( strText & String( intLen, chrPad ), intLen )
End Function

From 2-47 (last char on the 2nd row) I highlighted it up to 1-1 and did the Ctrl-D

Yeah, besides, I expected HE to highlight only the newly added text, but it did the one in the middle.


Just to confirm your suspicion: it does not work as intended if you select that my way, but does if you will from 1-1 down, not wise-versa.


Hi Arthur,

thanks for the detail description! I was able to reproduce the bug. Already fixed and probably would be uploaded today evening. Still fighting with installer (does not run on all machines).

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team