Open as Read Only then not opens a file as Read Only still

Started by Arthur, August 04, 2009, 09:43:53 PM

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I worked on a number of SQL files earlier today (file type perhaps does not matter).
I had opened several of them by doing Ctrl-O to get the open file dialog in which I marked the "Open read only" check box for the last file.
I copied and pasted text to my editable files from this file. Then closed them all.
Now, when (I did not exit HE since then) I needed to open this  previously opened as read-only file for editing it came up as read-only again despite the fact I did not choose that option at this time.

I checked the file itself and it was not marked as "Read only" by the OS,
but HE would load it each time as so.
Any idea how to fix?

I hope I was clear enough explaining my issue, otherwise I will elaborate.
PS: I am on the latest beta.


Hi Arthur,

it is clear enough :) But HE works as designed. It stores your preference between session as encoding, syntax etc. And it is also possible to have file read-only on demand, not based on file attributes or locked state. Check File -> Read-Only command.

So, just Ctr+R and file is editable once more :) And this state is stored.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


But when I open it again, when I select it the option Read only is marked as disabled. I expect then once I choose this file this option to become enabled, or my logic is wrong?


The read-only check box in File Open dialog is not dependent to selected files (this is controlled not by HE but by Windows API) and just general instruction for application using dialog that user prefers to have files by default read-only. And what to do if you select multiple files?

Maybe it is possible to hook FO dialog and update read-only flag respectively to selected file, but effort is too big and not compatible with benefits...

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


QuoteMaybe it is possible to hook FO dialog and update read-only flag respectively to selected file...
Is exactly what I meant but could not express in the proper way ;), too pity it is too tedious to do  :(