[Solved] Find&Replace: do NOT jump to next on [Replace]

Started by Stefan, October 06, 2009, 04:24:57 PM

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Find&Replace: do NOT jump to next on [Replace]

Just an suggestion for later:

If i do an find & replace
and press [Replace] on an found pattern match
then the algorithm immediately search for the next match - and shows them... Very fine!

I like this automation!
But often i want to see if the replacement was really that what i had in mind,
i mean i would like to stay on this replacement and double-check if it is that what i want.
Then i would press [Find Next]

Right now i have to scroll up to take an look... often not easy to find in large documents.

So i want to ask if there could be an optional option to toggle this behaviour?

I know you have no space for an another checkbox :D
So just some ideas:
- right click context menu on [ Replace ]-button with options
- option in Option-menu ... but to far away for an fast toggle
- option in config-XML, even farer away
- add an settings-button like them for regex-hints for options
- add an settings-button like them for regex-hints to open Options-menu to set search-options
- split the  [ Replace ]-button  into  [ Replace|+Go]
- allow to use an modifier key like CTRL while pressing the [ Replace ]-button to replace+stay, because this double-check is not that often needed, only on start at an s&r session.

Ah, great  >:(
now i found an solution: even while Replace-dialog is open,
you can still use "Navigation > Previous Changed Area" to go to that last replacement.
Then, after check if it went O.K., do again an [Find Next] to go on.

You can even assign an hotkey to "Previous Changed Area"
and this hotkey works even the find&replace dialog is still open.
Very fine Editor, this HippoEDIT ;D
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


"Navigation > Previous Changed Area" works not
to jump to previous area in time but relative to current line.
So it may not show you the last replacement but really the very last modification on one of the next lines.

Workaround for the example i've described above:
Save your document first before you wanna go use this.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-