Wheel mouse to browse page by page

Started by JJK, December 09, 2008, 11:37:05 AM

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It is not a bug, but I don't know where to post this.
BTW is the FAQ section planned to receive also questions about HOWTO, not only answers ?

Here is my request : I can't browse document page by page with mouse wheel, but only 3 lines by 3. Yet I can do that (page by page) in some other text editors. Do you know why ? I have unchecked "Use smooth scrolling" button in Tools/Options/Editor, but nothing happens.
BTW what is its use ?


I think this is a feature request ;)
Yes, you can also ask questions in FAQ (you should have a permission), and I would answer them there.

No, this is not possible. And I even dont know about such feture. In which over editors you have seen that, that I can test it? Which modifier keys used for it? Because normal 3 lines scrolling still should be available (I think in windows settings for mouse, you can mainatin how much lines should be scrolled).

Disable "Use smooth scrolling"  and try to scroll big document with scrollbar thumb. You would see the difference. One would get you smooth feeling, some woud be sharp.
HippoEDIT team


QuoteI think this is a feature request
If you want, move this post in "Features request" section.

I have seen that feature in EditPlus, in Notepad++, in PsPad (with slight bug : there is an option to set number of lines moved, but here moves 58 lines instead of 10 set in options dialog), in RJ TextEd... Here my Logitech mouse is configured to "Screen by screen", ie. to skip by window height at once. Yet HippoEdit browses by 3 lines.

QuoteWhich modifier keys used for it?
I don't understand the question.


So you mean it is not possible in same time scoll as usual by 3 lines scrolling mouse wheel and for example when you keep Shift pressed and then scroll mouse wheel editor scrolls by pages? This is was mostly the question.

I have tried with Notepad++ and EditPlus 3 but could not get it working... If I use mouse wheel to scroll up or down it scrolls 3 lines up or down. Are there some settings I need to change to make it working (explain based on any editor, I would check).

Or you mean not a mouse wheel but some additional buttons on your Logitech mouse?
HippoEDIT team


Sorry to answer too late, but I had no computer since a moment. Today I installed 1.40.552.
Wheeling mouse while shift key pressed scrolls page by page.
For me it is perfect. Is it a new feature of 1.40.552 ?
if it is, is it possible to add an option in order to let the user choose between 3x3 rows|1x1 page with|without SHIFT.


Yes, this is new feature I introduced in 552.
About the option, I dont think this option is something that need regular user ;). Maybe as xml setting.  But  let us wait for other user request, maybe I am wrong, and people really need it.

Because you have not provided me example how this configured in other editors, I have done my own investigation, and because I also have logitech mouse I found where you have done your settings. Control Panel -> Mouse -> Wheel -> Scrolling -> One Screen at a time.
And now I see that in Notepad ++ for example it works, but in he not. I would check why. At least here behavior should be the same.
HippoEDIT team


First, congratulations to have added that feature, even if I have to press Shift key. That means that you have found a manner to code it. So, now we can scroll by page or by 3 lines, according to Shift on/off.
My (I say "my", but am I alone ?) problem is that I scroll almost every time by page, and only few times by line. It seems to me much more automatic to wheel without Shift. That's why I'd prefer scroll by page without shift. Perhaps any other users think the opposite.
QuoteMaybe as xml setting.
So this is a very good idea, waiting a possible extra option that would perhaps overload the option dialog.
Anyway, I thank you once more for having considered and already resolved my request.

Regarding configurations in other editors, I have neither found any particular settings in EditPlus, PsPad, Notepad++. That's why I have not provided you them.


With 1.40.554 I wheel scroll by page without SHIFT pressed, and by 3 lines with SHIFT pressed.
Thank you very much.


I know ;)
No problem, it was a bug that I have not considered this windows settings (I have found it, it is possible to find out if scroll is by page or by line).
So, no Shift is used as toggle. If you are in scroll page mode, it scrolls by lines, if you are in lines mode it scroll by pages.
HippoEDIT team