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Capturing Python Output

Started by kryten, August 17, 2011, 06:44:28 PM

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I have just recently installed Python on my x86 pc and don't seem to have the option in HE to capture output when Python is added as a tool.
Is this normal?



Hi Stuart,

HE can only capture output of console apps. So if you have selected wrong (not win32 console) executable, option for capturing will be disabled. You can check if it is console app by starting same command line inside cmd.exe and checking that output of executable is caught by it.
Write here which executable you use as a tool and somebody, who worked with Python, maybe will help you here. I have not, but but maybe I can find something in the net.

BR, Alex.
P.S: Sorry for delay with response - I had a vacation.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Alex,

Hope you had a great vacation!

Don't worry about the Python capturing output problem HippoEdit actually works perfectly with capturing Python output. The problem was me (as usual).
