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Change .txt icon

Started by tcebob, March 21, 2018, 10:59:49 PM

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Win 10 / PC
I have HE as my default for .txt files. Using Nir FileTypesMan i've changed the default icon for .txt files to the attached. This works fine for Notepad but not HE, which has its own default. How can I change that default?


Hi tcebob,

welcome to the forum.

HippoEDIT itself does not allow to change an icon for files. It uses Windows associated file icons, ones assigned to file extension, in your case .txt.
And so I would expect that it shall work: you need to see in HippoEDIT same icons for documents (tab icons and icons in file explorer) as in Windows Explorer.
Is it not like that?

From another side, if you assign HippoEDIT to be a default editor for text files (a double click on .txt file in Windows Explorer opens HippoEDIT), then, probably you would see a HippoEDIT icon associated and displayed for .txt files (that does the Windows). But in HippoEDIT and in Windows Explorer. If you want to keep HippoEDIT as a default editor for .txt files, but want to have another icon shown for a text file, you may change registry setting for .txt file extension, using Nir FileTypesMan (double-click on the extension and change Default Icon).

If I am still not getting :) please provide a screenshot of the HippoEDIT with a wrong icon and Windows Explorer aside with right icon. And details for .txt extension from Nir FileTypesMan.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Here's a picture of the HE icon as displayed for a .txt file. As I said, I used Nir FileTypesMan,  and it shows the desired Icon. But I found that it only changes the Notepad Icon. Evidently something is missing in my copy of HE. I tried several other editors and all changed the .txt shortcut icons to their built-in one.

. . . My installed version was a bit old so I uninstalled it and downloaded a fresh copy. Installed ok but for some reason it failed to tell Windows that it would open .txt files. I managed to get it on the list of "Open With" files and it showed up on the default settings page. Selected and it worked!


It is an icon of some file (do not see the name and extension) on your Windows Desktop ;)
It is not an icon for txt file displayed inside of HippoEDIT.

I still do not quite understand the issue :/

- If you want to set a special icon for *.txt files to be displayed in Windows Explorer (and in HippoEDIT), you can do it with Nir FileTypesMan
- If you want that after double click on any *.txt file, HippoEDIT opens, you can do it with Windows Open With... Windows would remember your preference and would associate all *.txt files with HippoEDIT, changing an old icon for text files on HippoEDIT icon.
- You can achieve the same (association of *.txt files with HippoEDIT) from HippoEDIT itself. In the main menu: Tools->File Associations... Find in dialog *.txt item and check it.

There is one more option, that may influence displaying of default icons in HippoEDIT (sorry forgotten it in the first post), but it only relates how icons shown in File Explorer. In the main menu: Tools->Options->Plugins->File Explorer->Use Windows Icons. If the option is unchecked, File Explorer will show stub icons, instead of ones used in Windows. More info on wiki:
HippoEDIT team


Thanks for your concern, I'm sorry I caused confusion. The problem is solved. In summary, .txt files were displayed with the mostly white icon until I forced Windows to recognize HE as a default. Now they proudly display the happy hippo.