HE vs EditPlus

Started by JJK, January 15, 2009, 05:44:12 PM

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QuoteWrite which features are better, what is missing, what is not so comfortable as in other editor
So I open this forum category by comparing HE vs EditPlus. As said above by Alex, I write here some benefits of EditPlus regarding HE, and of course some of the numerous advantages that HE presents in relation to EditPlus
Today I compare EditPlus 3.10 vs HippoEdit 1.40 beta

Some Plus of EditPlus
* Fastness to open itself (not to open documents)
* Record macro and playback
* Cliptext window
* Fastness to open huge files .txt
* Fastness to do replace in .txt
* Able to replace ansi by html entities and vice-versa
* Editable toolbars
* Outlining for Python files

Some plus of HE
* Able to (re)format text according to syntax settings
* Outlining according to syntax settings (except those like Python files)
* Inheritability between syntaxes
* Find result windows
* Expand/Shrink
* Zoom in/out
* Scope Go to

Of course, these lists are by far incomplete. To be continued later...


Thanks a lot!

This is really helpful. I could not test all features of the other editors, and such reviews would help me to see where to go and what can be archived! And also what people miss more.

I have already done several optimizations on Repace All, it should be now faster.
Also, I think, I need to chnage default for text files to not wrap, because, when wrap is enabled it drammatically reduce performance for changing of text and for asyncronos loading, because I need to recalculate wrap every time.

And about macro recording, I already got several request of it, so maybe I need to think about priorities ;)

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


QuoteThis is really helpful
Happy to hear that. So I'll continue in this way.
Quotewhen wrap is enabled it drammatically reduce performance for changing of text
Yes, I checked it on b598 on Replace. The difference is very significative. Good point !
BTW, to check that, I needed to replace "some text" by "some text" to not alter my original text. But HE does not allow to do that : Replace box is grayed until replace text is different of original text. Slighty annoying in this case. Yet, absolutely no priority.

I wondered : if wrap mode causes slowness to replacing - I presume that it is the case also in syntaxes other than plain text - why not to automatically set wrap mode off before replacing, and after, reset wrap mode to its anterior value ? So the user has not to wonder what is the wrap mode value each time he wants to replace all some text. Perhaps no sense for my idea...


b598, 2MB CSV-file, s&r 145.000 times: 5seconds  :o  (with ww on: 120sec)
Very welcome, thank you!

JJK > "why not to automatically set wrap mode off"
I want to suggest the same, but this (if the lines suddenly changes 'by hand of an ghost') would
astonish the customer more then waiting HE to finish.

I think an entry in the help file is enough.
Or maybe only with an option-setting like " accelerated find and search&replace"
which do all such settings for the user to accelerated the s&r, but the user have to enable this first, so he doesn't wonder.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


JJK: not allowing to do the replace when you have same text in Find What and Replace To it is a feature :)) Because normally you would not do this, and HE just inform you that this has no sense :) Dont know... Let us wait intil somebody other complain.

JJK, Stefan:
With disabling of the WW on Replace this is reasonable suggest, and this is how it is done when you do Undo. In this case I internally disable WW and then enable it after undo, if it was set. But this is easy, when you do everything synchronosly. But in case of Replace All data is altered asynchronosly, so theoretically you can change text i nthe document during replace. And because of this I could not just disable WW and then enable... But I have this in my todo and would evaluate what is possible.
HippoEDIT team


I use EDITPLUS  longtime because of this function which can preview localhost web site. 

see the picture. ;D

I can't  find this function in HippoEDIT.


Hi false007, welcome to the community.

I mean HippoEDIT didn't provide an build-in web server, but we could run an external server via Tools.

Perhaps this is something for you:
BRS WebWeaver is a free personal web server that run on the Windows platform.
Even with its small size ( ~375 KB ) and low memory requirements ( ~4 MB ) it provides
lots of functionality at speeds that will impress you.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-



I think false007 do not need new local web server, but he wants to get web pages preview, which take into account local web server.
So something like this:
- user edit file C:\wwwroot\Test\test.php
- with Browser Preview (F12) he wants to preview it
- currently, if you preview any server side script (php, asp) it will be interpreted by browser as simple HTML and no processing by server extension will be done, because path send to browser will be treated as path for local file ,but not as output of local web server
- but if HE will know settings for local web server (screenshot from false007)  it convert path to web address and pass it to browser. So, if server document root is located in C:\wwwroot then path will be converted to http://localhost/Test/test.php. In this way browser will interpret the path is URL and will get processed output from web server, with resolved server side extensions. 

to false007: I have this regquest on my to do already. Will try to implement for 1.5x brunch, with HTML plug-in.
Till then you can check this post from Theno, he suggest the workaround for this problem.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


thanks, but your suggestion is not my want.

yeah, you are right.  I have already configed my localhost web site,not only one.
then I use HE edit some server script file, and preview it , but HE only sent this file to the localhost root, if this file in the deep directory, now emerge 404 error.

No matter how many site I build, not matter which file I edit , when I preview the server script file, the EditPlus will execute it right.

where is wrong with my config(see the picture)??? ???


Hi false007,

there is nothing wrong in your configuration. It just not yet implemented in HE. Because HE does not know server document root (settings you have shown in EditPlus screenshot) it is not able to convert file path to relative to server url. It just append it to url at the end. And there is also no tag built-in that can help here: because the relative path of the document file path can be only then determined right if HE knows server root.

As I wrote this will be added in 1.5x, till then you need to use some intermediate external script that will do conversion from path to server url for you and will start a browser after. THe scripts from Theno (I have suggested before) can help here.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


I think that editplus does two steps when preview:
1. if this file not in the local web site configuation, preview as simple html.
2. in the local web site:
    example: d:\php\ or
    file        : d:\php\tmp\t.php
    preview :   


I very expect  1.5x .