Code Hints - how to see more than one suggestion?

Started by irkregent, July 14, 2011, 12:40:58 AM

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The help file indicates that when a Code Hint is in inverse color that there is more than one suggestion available.  How can I see or select the other suggestions?  Also, is there a way to change the suggestion to show a list of more than one automatically?


I believe this is a case of an under-implemented feature. I have never seen at least HE reacting differently anyhow in case whether one or multiple code hints are available.


Hi irkregent,

I have already got several request to see list of all suggestions, instead of one, as an option.
My answer was: it was not done because of the performance reasons (it is slwer to only inform that more than one hint exist as collect them all in runtime during typing, without disturbing user).
In case if you see invert tooltip, that indicates that more than one hint exist, you can explicitly call Auto Completion list, with Ctrl+Space and select other options. Let say, in this case you "accept" possible delay.
Another option can be is : Tools->Options->Code Completion -> Open Completion automatically after. Enable it, and put relatively small timeout (500) and you will get full list completion during typing.

BR, Alex
HippoEDIT team


OK, thanks for the tips on how to see the other suggestions.