How did the Go button supposed to work?

Started by Arthur, March 22, 2009, 03:56:06 AM

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I am not following how the Go button is supposed to be working.

For example I am editing a JavaScript document. So if I am inside a certain function I get its name reflected on the upper right where on the right off it there is a Go button.

Then no matter what I type in or if even I copy and paste the function declaration the Go button does not seem to care.

I am puzzled, am I not comprehending something?


The Go button should set cursor to definition of the function where you are noe.
In the example yous hown it should be definition of the DispatchVars.

If the cursor is on the include file, and it is defined as label, then corresponding file should be open.

I thought in the future to merge some how Go button with Smart Navigate but a behaviour of the actions a little but different.
HippoEDIT team


Then there is a bug surrounding its functionality  :-\.

In that file in some [simple] functions it works as described above, but in any more complex functions with nested IFs for example, clicking the button takes you to strange places.
Looked to me most often to the beginning of an If statement that is outside of the inner one then gets stuck there.


Hi Arthur,

Maybe I was not clear in my answer.
Not a function, but current label displayed in description field (in you case it is DispatchVars that is a function).
The labels described in basic_spec.xml and can be also if|for scopes etc.

If still not clear, than place here please example coding and cursor position in it.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team