Disabling template parameters & Windows tabs

Started by Grzeniu, March 18, 2017, 11:29:59 AM

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Hello, fellow Hippos!

I have finally started to use code templates autocompleted with tab. Yeah, I've been coding for quite a few years and I have never used such things, only Ctrl+C/V/D :). Finally, after seeing this thread about Zen coding, I've decided to utilize this kind of technique. I quickly got to HippoEdit's code templates and, well, that's magnificient! Yet, here's my question: at least in the case of html, inserting a template is followed by pop-ups asking for parameters (e.g. <a asks for title and href). How do I disable this, so that it works like, for example while template for php: i type in while, press tab and it creates template without asking for anything?

Secondly, I may be plainly blind not to find it in the preferences, yet I do not know how to disable splitting HippoEdit's icon on Windows taskbar into tabs? What I mean is that having 3 open tabs within the program and hovering over HE icon produces 3 preview tabs - I would like to disable it, can it be done from within the application or only by disabling global Windows setting?

My regards, have a fine weekend!


Hi Greg,

code templates are defined for every language in Tools->Options->Syntax Settings->[Syntax, for Example HTML]->Code Templates:

Here you can modify the template in a way you need. The reason why you get a popup asking for a parameter, is [%Variable name%] tag, which brings prompt to enter a "Variable name" value during expansion: http://wiki.hippoedit.com/general/built-in-variables

If you do not like the default code for the template, just take out the tag (probably it is "%Link URL%") and press OK/Apply.
So for this code template as an example:
<a href="%Link URL%">%Link Text%</a>%|%
it may be something like this:
<a href="">%|%</a>

For Document Tabs preview, there is no UI setting, but there is an XML flag:

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team