Question about strict in html_spec_xml

Started by trdunsworth, August 09, 2011, 12:49:55 AM

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Hey Alex,

I have a question. I'm taking apart the html_spec_xml file as well as the html_user_xml file to build an HTML5 compatible file (I want to do CSS3 after that, so I will be a busy boy). However, I noticed the strict = "false" on both the body and title scopes. Am I reading the strict information correct that if strict = "false" then the parser won't complain if title and body are both left open without a closing tag?

If that is the case, that would lead to a developer writing invalid code. Would that be better for strict="true" for html, head, body, and title at the very least?



Hi Tony,

you understood meaning of the strict right. I do not exactly remember the reason why title and body got strict="false", but probably because:
- I have often seen used empty <body/> tag and by spec, closed tag for body is not required...
- for title, probably, reason was usage of title as attribute name in <a ...> tag. Because outlining parser currently does not take into account position of the title inside tag, usage of title in <a> will lead to unresolved close title. I would say this is current limitation.

As far as I see, in standard version of spec not html not head scopes has strict set to false. So, both strict="true".

If you will write specs for HTML5/CSS3, try to extend existing html_spec/css_spec (inherit). If it is necessary I can update default spec and help you with definitions/validation. 

And normally for a new spec you get a free license, if you are not registered user yet.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



Thanks for confirming that for me. I was going to write the body, head, and html with strict = true. I am going to be careful about title since it is both a tag and an attribute.

I will do what I can on the html_spec and css_spec. Will certainly ask questions if I'm not certain of something.

I've already gotten a free license for blogging about the software and advertising that I use it on my site. No worries there. Just doing this now for the fun of it. Keeps me thinking and coding on stuff for fun.




you can try, as far as I have checked, there will be no problems for cases except of title.
What I meant is not to update html_spec or css_spec but creating of the html5_spec which will inherit html_spec and extend it, for example. This will allow to user switch from HTML4 and HTML5, if this scenario needed of course...
HippoEDIT team


No worries, I will do the inheritance routine as it will work easier as far as I'm aware. Sorry for the confustion. ::)