Tool Tip for File Explorer (Path Expansion)

Started by Arthur, December 15, 2009, 04:36:12 PM

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When I use the built-in File Explorer of HE I deal most times with very long folder names/paths.
Currently, the File Explorer does not expand in say tool-tip the path in full when a cursor is on a long path, like you can see in the image. What I would like it to do is to expand the path beyond the File Explorer boundaries similar to what Windows Explorer does (again, picture provided).


Hi Arthur,

that is good idea and not time consuming in implementation.
What is better to show: truncated path or complete full path (for My Documents it will be strange...)?
Will be added in new beta.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Full path to my taste will work better, perhaps it can be configurable then?


I have placed inside both values (as displayed as full path). Looks OK.
And if somebody will complain, then I can think about making this customizable.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Arthur,

the feature you have requested is already inside of the beta installation on server.
So you can check. I have not done any announce, just because this is only one (and I have done fix to installer) change inside.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Thank you Alex.

The double-label is serving its purpose.

One small note though here: the tool-tip brings redundant information in form of repeating the drive letter (image below).

So, perhaps, you can enhance it further I believe.