Other Editors which I like

Started by alex, January 19, 2009, 04:35:36 PM

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Hi stewcam,

I know a lot about strong points of emeditor (also about weak ;) ), but not so much about NotePad Pro.
Which NotePad Pro do you mean - there are several products named like this ( give a link ).
Also would be good to mention most interesting features of it: than you would have a chance to see them in HippoEDIT ;)

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


What are your thoughts on TextPad?


TextPad was one of the best text editors 5-10 years ago. It is fast enough (EditPlus was faster), has basic set of features user needs, stable, has reach client base...
It was actually one of the reference editors I used when creating initial version of HippoEDIT.

But honestly, there was no significant updates from version 4.0. Yes, I see, there were some new major versions released after that, but they brought nothing really new. It was more bug fixing, I do not count GUI updates. So, for me it is currently not innovative. Not in editing features as Sublime, not in UI as Intype or Source Insight.

But form another side, if you need notepad replacement, and not interested in modern features, it is is good. Fast, stable, good documented.
HippoEDIT team



Microsoft VSCode (https://code.visualstudio.com/)?


Thanks for the feedback (I have corrected a link a little bit, was not working)!

Yes, VS Code is really great. Especially taking into account, that it is written in JS.
Can you mention some functions of VS Code that is for your most useful and you would like to get them in HippoEDIT?
HippoEDIT team