Smart Navigate and select

Started by Stefan, January 06, 2009, 08:40:06 PM

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What is the difference between
"Navigation > Go to matching brace Alt+Ctrl+G"
"Navigation > Smart navigate Alt+G"

Jumping to other brace like >, ], " didn't work, isn't it?
I see only jump to () works.

How to jump to matching brace like (..), <..>, {..}, [...]   and select to?
I mean i stand on first sign and want to use an command to select all between till to matching sign.

How to jump to special places like 'comma' , 'dot' or end of paragraph and select to?

How to jump to closing HTML tag and select whole <Tag>....</Tag>?
I mean i stand inside  <script |xxxx> and wanna use use an command to select whole <Script...xxxx....</Script> -tag
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


1) Smart Navigate tries to do everything. Depends where the cursor position in current moment. Go to matching brace, to pair tag, to include file or to label. Done to not force people to remember all shortcuts. Always try SmartNavigate and Hippo would try to understand what you want ;)

1b) This depends from syntax schema. What is defined as pair symbols in <OpenClose>...</OpenClose>. If symbol is inside and this does not work - this is a bug. But does not work for symmetric pairs (like "" and ''), because it is difficult to find out if this is a close or open one.

2,3,4) I would combine this 3 requests in one. How to select to drom current position till some text. There are tow ways to achives this. First. Use search dialog and option Extend Selection. Second. Use Anchors. First Set Anchor in current position (F7) then use Smart Navigate to go to matching brace or pair HTML tag and then use Select From Anchor (Shit+F7) command to select text between. Set Anchor can be found in Navigation menu, and Select Form Anchor in Edit->Selection menu. For dot or comma you need to do the search instead of Smart Navigate. If you have better idea how to merge these 3 actions in one clever command - suggest ;)
HippoEDIT team


QuoteJumping to other brace like >, ], " didn't work, isn't it?
I see only jump to () works.
Here I have the same issue.
QuoteHow to jump to matching brace like (..), <..>, {..}, [...]   and select to?
I mean i stand on first sign and want to use an command to select all between till to matching sign.
With any doubt you know Alt-arrow up/down (twice or more if necessary) to select text between () or [] or even tags as <td>..</td>. I presume it depends on syntax schema. But if imbrication, for ex. () inside [] I don't see any single command to embrace text inside [] at once.
More, Alt-arrow works enough fine for your 2, 3 4) suggestions. IMHO We just need some explain from Alex to use it precisely. Because it seems to me that in some cases, only inside text is selected, and other times also brackets are selected.


Thanks for the replies, i will try...  ;D

I had already tried use of anchor now and it works fine:

I have this text:

(1)<s(2)pan class="postdetails">Im Profil kannst Du frei den Rang ändern<br>
  <br>Verfasst am: <br>26. Apr 2006, 17:48<!-- Custom Profile Fields MOD finish -->

I do
- go to (1)
- press F7 (Set Anchor in current position)
- go inside the opening tag (2)
- press Alt+G (Smart Navigate to go to matching tag) (3)
- go outside the tag (4)
- use Select From Anchor (Shit+F7)
and the whole tag is selected.

Quite fine ;D .... will test more this evening.

Thanks a lot.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Quote from: JJK on January 07, 2009, 03:45:04 PM
Here I have the same issue.With any doubt you know Alt-arrow up/down (twice or more if necessary) to select text between () or [] or even tags as <td>..</td>. I presume it depends on syntax schema. But if imbrication, for ex. () inside [] I don't see any single command to embrace text inside [] at once.
More, Alt-arrow works enough fine for your 2, 3 4) suggestions. IMHO We just need some explain from Alex to use it precisely. Because it seems to me that in some cases, only inside text is selected, and other times also brackets are selected.

Which type of braces would be taken into account on Exapand/Shrink Selection (Alt+arrow up/down) depends from schema (OpenClose). Normally when you exapnad selection first you should get inside text selected, then text together with braces. If this is not the case, mail me this as a bug ;) 
HippoEDIT team


Quote from: JJK on January 07, 2009, 03:45:04 PM
With any doubt you know Alt-arrow up/down
No! I didn't had this key combination in my daily use.
But this works fine for simple situations. It selects inside and outside  of ".." ,  but not for line breaks.
It selects nearly the whole TAG.
I will test this behaviour too.

Thanks a lot for pointing this out JJK. I will take this for daily use too.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-