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Select and change colour

Started by danibus, September 18, 2012, 12:49:00 PM

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Good day all
This is 1st post. I'm searching for text editor with "special" highlight to put color in text.
I don't know where to post this, if this is not the correct place pls change  ;)

I use to work with Coprar files. They are a EDI format document with some information.
Then I have something like this:

...  INFORMATION 1 (some lines)
...  INFORMATION 2 (some lines)

I want to put the INFORMATION 1 text lines in one colour and INFORMATION 2 text lines in another one.
More than this, I use to have hundred of different information, then I would like to alternate the 2 colours like this:

...  INFORMATION 1 (some lines)

...  INFORMATION 2 (some lines)
...  INFORMATION 3 (some lines)

...  INFORMATION 4 (some lines)

I just wanna know if this is possible with Hippoedit.


Hi danibus,

welcome on forum. Sorry for delay with response - was on vacation.

I do not think that there are functionality you want in hippoedit out of the box... There are some functions you can reuse, but all need some work from your side:

  • You can create new syntax schema for coprar files, and define there rules for highlighting INFORMATION 1/2/3.. constructions. HE supports as multi keywords as regular expressions for syntax highlighting (from version 1.50).
  • HippoEDIT supports alternating mode for document visualization (View->Editor->Alternating Mode), which will highlight every second line. But not every N lines. I can think about configuring this N option, but do not think that this will help too much in case of dynamic block size (line count)
  • And at the end HE support extending by binary plugins... Using binary plugin you can extend highlighting as you like, by overlaying additional styles. But this require from you knowledge of C++ / COM or any other language that can produce dll

BR, Alex
HippoEDIT team