How to position cursor to EOL?

Started by SolarAxix, November 16, 2014, 06:57:19 PM

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I am having a bit of difficulty navigating within HE. I am used to position the cursor at an arbitrary point after the "End of the Line" (EOL) (or any other line breaks for that matter) and the cursor automatically going to the EOL location. In HE, the cursor stays where I put it with the mouse (which isn't where I really want it to be). Is there a way to disable this functionality so the cursor actually goes to the EOL location when I click a line with the mouse in a place that's further out than the EOL position?

I've searched the forums, the wiki, and I've gone through most of the settings, but I can't seem to find where the setting would be located (or maybe it's that I don't know what it's called).


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