Sort order in window management dialog

Started by Andreas, December 07, 2014, 12:30:32 PM

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I have the following wishes:

1. In the window management dialog (Window -> Windows), I would like to be able to sort the entries in tab order, i.e. the leftmost tab should be the topmost entry in the list.

2. The window management dialog should remember the sorting criterion chosen by the user. (Currently, when you open the window management dialog, the entries will always be sorted alphabetically by name.)


Hi Andreas,

would it be sufficient that on initial display documents appears "unsorted" (sorted by tab order) but not sorted by name?
Actually there is window order - one used when you press Ctrl+Tab (sorted by activation sequence) and document tab order (how you see them in tab bar). Which order you mean?
There are even two commands: Window.Next and Window.TabNext.

If I need to persist sorting order - it shall be done than for all lists, that is already "some" work.
Also new column in window list, will eat some space...
Nobody yet complained about that, so I would prefer to satisfy you with minimal effort on my side :)

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Alex,

Quote from: alex on December 08, 2014, 07:04:32 PM
would it be sufficient that on initial display documents appears "unsorted" (sorted by tab order) but not sorted by name?

Yes, that would be sufficient.

Quote from: alex on December 08, 2014, 07:04:32 PM
Actually there is window order - one used when you press Ctrl+Tab (sorted by activation sequence) and document tab order (how you see them in tab bar). Which order you mean?

I mean tab order (how you see them in tab bar).

Quote from: alex on December 08, 2014, 07:04:32 PM
I would prefer to satisfy you with minimal effort on my side :)

That's clear. :)Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Hi Alex,

it seems that in v1.60.6 the documents are now sorted by reverse activation sequence. That's not exactly what I wanted. I wanted that the documents are sorted by tab order, i.e. the topmost entry in the list should be the leftmost tab.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas,

actually window activation order is only one sequence than one can rely 100%.
It can be that you at all will not have tabs - work in MDI mode (try any of window commands in Window menu, like Cascade or Tile).

But I will check that can be done.

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Quote from: alex on December 14, 2014, 02:14:41 AM
But I will check that can be done.

Hi Alex,

apparently you have managed to fulfill my wish in v1.60.7 (although this change is not listed in your "HippoEDIT 1.60.7 released" posting.) Thank you very much for that!

Best regards,


Yes, I have updated logic for case when one uses document tabs.
For mode with standalone MDI windows still activation sequence is used.
HippoEDIT team