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TCL syntax file

Started by pokey, March 26, 2009, 05:29:34 PM

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TCL bundle in library

Attached is a first version of a syntax file for the TCL language, with support for the iTcl extension.

It works very well for my purposes, but I will be extending it in the future, as & when I have time.

Please feel free to post comments or questions in this thread.


Thanks a lot for support of HippoEDIT ;)
HippoEDIT team


To support optional parameters you can change
<Label group="Procedure" match="proc\s+(\w+)\s+(\{[^}]*\})\s+\{" name="\1" descr="proc \1 \2" scope="1" image="9"/>
<Label group="Procedure" match="proc\s+(\w*)\s+(\{((?>[^\{\}]|(?-2))*)\})\s*\{" name="\1" descr="proc \1 \2" scope="1" image="9"/>


Hello Darkstar,

Welcome to the forum!

And thanks for the support - updated. The changes are already in the library and can be reloaded with Help->Check for Updates.

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team