64 bit HippoEDIT (1.45) on Windows 7 does not start.

Started by samuel1991, July 26, 2009, 04:31:01 AM

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When I double clicked on hippoedit, or open through start menu, or even open by files, my 64bit HE will close automatically. The only fix is to use administrator to open (With UAC).

Yes--- My account do have administrative privillege, but not username with Administrator.


Hello samuel,

this would take some more time to check/fix. I have only 32 bit Win7 but would try to install 64 bit version also.
Till know have no idea what can be the reason... Maybe some reading of the registry...

Probably would be fixed in 1 week.

Thanks a lot for a bug report.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



:) I know, 32 bit is tested on Windows 7. And 64 bit is only tested on XP 64 bit, till now.
HippoEDIT team


Hello Samuel,

I have tried 64 bit HE on Windows 7 64 bit. And you are right, I got the same problem as you.
The reason is that second time HE by default executed not with Administrator rights. And because all HE settings now stored together with executable itself (in same folder), because of lack of permission, editor could not get write rights on files. So, no access for license file (this is the reason for immediate close), workspace and user settings are not saved etc.

With new beta I would provide correction for close of HE, but problem with permissions and write rights on settings files, I think, would stay till 1.50. to solve it I need to move location for HE settings to %APPDATA%, and this is too big change for minor update. But in 1.50 would be done. Because, I think this would be common problem for all Windows 7 64 bit users (do not know why this was not a problem for 32 bit version, probably default permissions are different for Program Files and Program Files (x86) ). As workaround you can (probably) store Administrator rights as default for running HE.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Can i at least request that the 1.45, 1.46 etc for X64 version can be either

A) Scrap off until Version 1.5

B) Default have the admin privillege stored (That means the user does not have to go to start menu shortcut or HE X64 Installation folder to look for Hippoedit.lnk or HippoEdit.exe respectively and right click on properties -> Compatibility and have a check on Run as Administrator. This is something not everyone may realize.)


Hi Samuel,

this problem currently really actual for 64 bit version of HippoEDIT installed only on Windows 7 64 bit version (where Program files folder does not allow generic user to change files inside). So I would not keep this so serious, also with new beta version (700) you can start HE but just workspace is not sored and you could not register. This can be covered by simple FAQ note, here on forum. But maybe I would add popup message to installer, to inform user about such problem when installing 64 bit HE on 64 bit Win 7.

The simple solution for this problem, just do not install inside Program Files as suggested, but somewhere else. For HE this does not matter.

Solution with default Administrator permission for lnk is rather complex to do with NSIS installer (have no idea how).

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


I see, the problem does not exist on directory say, D:\HE or C:\Program Files(x86) ??

Ok, i think i get it. Thanks for the suggestion. This problem does not affect Vista (No Vista for me)