HowTo set settings for all+every document?

Started by zash, July 03, 2009, 08:32:03 AM

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How do I enable the line numbers to be shown by default in all documents that I open?

I have to turn it on manually for every document I open... ???

The same goes for word wrap. Is there a way to change the default setting from 'none' to 'Window Edge'?



Hello zash,

Line numbers and word wrap are document and syntax dependent.
In your case you have changed document specific properties. To enable this for all documents of specific syntax go to Tools->Options->Syntax Settings->%Syntax you want to change% - Editor, Line Numbers or Word Wrap page under syntax.
To change these settings for all syntaxes, select node All Syntaxes under Syntax Settings.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team