File > Save COPY as...

Started by Stefan, October 01, 2009, 11:28:50 AM

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Yes I Know the "Edit>paste"  it's for windowed open file

"Write selection..." is for file (not windowed)
"Append selection..."  append automatically  the selection on the bottom of choosen file.

About "Save Copy as..." you can have BOTH
if you got a selection just paste the selection to the "new file"
if not, paste all the text.

have a good day


Hi Alain,

do you mean Edit->Paste New.. but not Edit->Paste?

QuoteAbout "Save Copy as..." you can have BOTH
if you got a selection just paste the selection to the "new file"
if not, paste all the text.
No, I do not think this is a good idea. the problem that user is not see what has been actually saved. And if he by mistake did selection, and then executes Save As Copy... he would be completely sure, that whole text is shown saved, and it would be a bug big surprise later on, when he would see only part of the document ;)
So, better to have explicit command for save selection (and maybe later append selection) and do not have described problems.
I can add Save selection in new beta (effort is not too big), but only as a command, without menu entry (you can assign a shortcut for it), later based on demand on such feature, I can add also a menu entry.

Best regards,
P.S: as I see I was too fast in typing :D
HippoEDIT team



Ok you are right about mistake risk.

Append selection is not necessary : with my old editor I never use it
"Save selection as..." may be is usefull (not priority)

Have a good day