Duplicate several Lines issue

Started by JJK, January 19, 2009, 01:48:46 PM

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I did just discover the feature of HE whih allows to duplicate several lines at once. In fact, the Duplicate Line command does it if more than one line are totally or partially selected. Very useful !
But there is a little issue. When choosing Duplicate Line (for example by Ctrl-D) on more than one line selected, the EOL or Begin Of next Line are selected also. The result is that sometimes the pasted text is glued to the next line, though there are two different lines.
More, we are not able to paste once more all the pre-selected lines, but only the active line of the pre-selected block of lines.
In fact, since its last release, PsPad is also able to duplicate all the selected lines with the same command as Duplicate Line. I find that this feature in Pspad is exactly what I am expecting : the whole lines are pasted, disjoined of the next lines of the text, and we can duplicate the Duplicate command !!


I think this is a bug, and I would move it to bug section.
I would fix this in next 1.41 beta (also would be included in 1.50).

I would try to assume that user want to select only previous line, if cursor is on 0 position of next line (this logic is already used in some functions).
Also I would set selection to new pasted area. This would help to do several Duplicates of selection one by one.
HippoEDIT team