Requirement for the latest 1.49 version

Started by arild, July 05, 2011, 12:34:34 PM

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If you, like I, get an error message when trying to start up the latest 1.49 version complaining about some side-by-side configuration, make sure you have this security update installed:



Hi Arild.

thanks for the info. This once more "surprise" from MS. They update silently MFC/ATL/CRT libs, also on build machines, so installer is compiled with new version of libs, they are also included in HippoEDIT installer. BUT the problem rebuild, of some pre-built libs is not triggered and they require other libs (with which they were build). So, two versions of libs are necessary for successful execution. Otherwise - side-by-side error.
I will check this today and will update installer with right libs. And hope this problem will not be actual any more.
This topic is related to this one:
BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team