Force change of document type ?

Started by gordonisnz, February 14, 2009, 02:19:45 PM

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I'm wondering -  Is this an existing feature - If not, i'll like to suggest it...

Basically, If I have an HTML page, & use HippoEdit - It tidies up the code & correctly indents all the LISTS (OL / LI / UL etc )


I usually have *.txt files as templates, used in PHP scripts - The PHP scripts get the template files, & inserts them into the screen.

I'm wondering, with HippoEdit, can I open up the *.txt files & FORCE it (in a single instant) to  treat the file as HTML..

Ie there may be opening HTML tags in another file - (& so the whole file may not validate) - But any code within the file - will be indented accordingly..

Does that make sense ?

Ps, re above - I dont want *EVERY*  *.txt file to be treated as HTMl, but if i want to, can I press 1 or 2 keys, & treat the file i've opened as HTML instead of plain text

Hopefully this makes sense


Sorry folks,

Found it...

View >> Syntax >> HTML

(I hate it after finding things 5 minutes after asking how to find etc... )


Quote from: gordonisnz on February 14, 2009, 02:28:15 PM
(I hate it after finding things 5 minutes after asking how to find etc... )

Yes, every time the same, me too :D

Note, you can also use
Right-click > context menu >> Syntax >> HTML

or just click on the syntax name in the status bar.

For those didn't know:
with menu "Tools > Options... > [ + ] Syntax Settings"
you can disable syntaxes you doesn't need often, to shrink the list of available syntaxes, make it easier to choose the right one ;-)
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Just curious..

If I double click the status bar - I can change the line number - But i can't change anything else....

No worries - Just advising


anything else is changeable by single click ;) Then you would get a context menu or it would be chnage directly.
Double clck was in previous versions of HE ;)
HippoEDIT team