How to setup : single click to select url

Started by false007, August 19, 2014, 10:46:47 AM

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How to setup : single click to select url.

Thanks a lot.


I do not see any built-in option for it now.
Probable solutions can be:

  • Use Expand selection on URL Alt+Down will select URL in 2-3 presses.
  • Write simple plugin, with command to select an url under cursor -> regular expression will do it easy. But still not with mouse (catching mouse actions not possible with plugins).
HippoEDIT team


This pattern can math the url : (http://|www.)(.*?)(?= |\r\n|'|")

but  I could't write the plug now, It's very bad.

When I'm  not buzy,  perhaps will write the plug which match the url.


Install Scripting Tools plugin and use the wizard to create "New Service Script".
It will help you to create a stub for your command in a second.
To read text under cursor and change selection check API page on wiki: . You need IApplication + IDocument + IView.
Bellow is some code you can reuse for start
Code (javascript) Select

var sel = ActiveView.Selection;

// if there is no selection, take current word range as selection
if ( sel.IsEmpty )
sel = new Range(0, 0, ActiveDocument.LineCount - 1, ActiveDocument.GetLineLength(ActiveDocument.LineCount - 1));
var text = ActiveDocument.GetText(sel);
      ActiveView.Selection = sel;

taken from beautifier.hejs
HippoEDIT team