When print/preview and the mode is landscape - some chars are hidden

Started by Arthur, February 16, 2009, 09:40:41 PM

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When print/preview mode is on and the document is set to print in landscape - one last char may be hidden.
Example: a line of 119 characters in length will not show the last char.
Screen resolution was 1280 x 800
Was in vbsript file.
Example attached


I noticed also strange behavior of Print preview in portrait/landscape modes since v1.42b617 (possibibly before ?).
No char appears, only dots, little lines, in all zoom levels. It seems as fragments of real chars.
I observe that on .bas files with color syntaxing, but not on plain texts without color syntaxing.
I tried with a color printer and with a monochrome printer. In both cases, preview displays colored dots.



To Arhtur: can reproduce. Thanks a lot. Whould be fixed in new beta.
To JJK: Could not reproduce :/. Maybe you have some strange scale factor set in non preview mode (but generally should work anyway, have checked). Also have tried with synatx highlighted mode. With diferent zoom factors. Maybe font? Line spacing?
HippoEDIT team


QuoteMaybe font? Line spacing?
Oops, you are right, I had set line spacing=16 pt. With Line spacing=single, all is OK.
Sorry. I will not do again :)


Ok, now it is clear.
This is also a bug ;) Your 16 pt were not correclty converted on printing metrics.
Would be corrected with new beta.
HippoEDIT team


Tools > Syntax Settings (<current type>, txt in my case)

I want to try this out too:
Line Spacing > Exactly > [  10]  (as default setting) works fine.

But try to set to '11' .. or '13'  or '16'  give me:

HippoEdit.exe - Fehler in Anwendung
Die Ausnahme "unknown software exception" (0xc000000d) ist in der Anwendung an der Stelle 0x78138a8c aufgetreten.
Klicken Sie auf "OK", um das Programm zu beenden.
Klicken Sie auf "Abbrechen", um das Programm zu debuggen.
OK   Abbrechen   

now the same error msg if i want to switch to multiple and even back to single.

I had to temporally rename the default.hewsp to be able to switch back to 'single'

Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Hello Stefan,

could not reproduce this.

When you get it? After pressing Apply/Ok? Or when removing focus from field.
How you did it: editing text or with spinner?

Maybe some other settings ... ?
HippoEDIT team


The error occurs when i press OK or Apply in  "Tools > Syntax Settings > PlainText"-dialog

- i choose Exactly:10
- press OK
- all wents fine
- go back to syntax settings
- for Exactly i choose 11
- press OK
- get the error
- go back to syntax settings
- choose single
- press OK
- get the error
- can't set the spacing back to 'single'
- have to rename 'default.hewsp' (which was active this time) to get out of this
(guess i can just chose an other workspace from menu)
- after renaming the 'default.hewsp' i was able to switch back to 'single'
- then i can re-use my 'default.hewsp'

i can make a vid this evening? and sent you my 'default.hewsp'
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Hello Stefan,

sorry, could not reproduce.

Please send me your default.hewsp + txt_spec.xml + txt_user.xml. Because generally information about line spacing should be stored in user file. Better send me complete syntax folder (because maybe you have inherited properties from parent schemas).

I would try to reproduce... maybe something was fixed in this area form 610 from my side... But I have doubts...

Send to supportbox hippoedit com.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team