HippoEdit vs E-TextEditor

Started by Arthur, February 18, 2009, 09:49:51 PM

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I was looking previously into E-TextEditor http://www.e-texteditor.com/
What I actually liked is its ability to highlight and modify text/words simultaneously in several places.
There is a nice demo to check out.
Can HippoEdit borrow this feature ????


Hi Arthur,

this is in todo.
There is only one problem which is for me not clear... How to start second (next) not continues selection?.. In word this is done with keeping Ctrl pressed, but in HippoEDIT usage of Ctrl + mouse click is reserved for word select.
How this done in E editor?
HippoEDIT team


I suggest it will be a setting in the general configurations. In short just select incrementally or when doing a search. So if it is on, it will select all the related text, this is coming from refactoring tools e.g. Resharper http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/, E-TextEditor is not the first doing this.
The concept is a boon to programmers who typically would say rename a method on and off a number of times.


Arturs suggestion sounds not like "select several parts by CTRL+clicking" but like Find-and-replace with highlighting.

With HippoEDIT one can do this with Find-Dialog (Ctrl+F) or QuickFind-Bar (Ctrl+Q),
just check 'Mark Results' in Result Options respective 'Highlight All'
This works for Find-and-Replace too, here the found parts are highlighted and the replaced parts too.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


I don't know E-TextEditor well but I watched many times the demo on http://www.e-texteditor.com/
This feature wished by Arthur is indeed impressive.
Here an extract of the documentation of E :
QuoteMulti-edit mode

If you have made multiple selections (or column selections) and start editing, the editor will go into multi-editing mode. In this mode all changes you make are reflected in all selections. You can both insert and delete text and move around in the selected area. When you move the caret outside the selected areas, the editor reverts to normal mode.
So as soon as you are in multi-edit mode or columns selection, you edit either all the selections, either the selected columns. Which is much powerful than only "replace all" in most text editors.
From an other side, the HE feature to mark all found texts is also nice. More, you can use Incremental search by say Ctrl-I and tape again Ctrl-I to jump to next occurence.
However I think that Arthur asks more than that. So I'd like such, because this E feature is very intuitive.

Another point : in the E demo you can add some prefix at the beginning of 3 continued lines, and some suffix at the end. You should be able to do that in HE by the surrounding feature. Unfortunately I am no longer able to find where is that feature. Alex, has it disappeared, where is it hidden ?


Quote from: JJK on February 19, 2009, 11:39:08 AM

Another point : in the E demo you can add some prefix at the beginning of 3 continued lines, and some suffix at the end.
You should be able to do that in HE by the surrounding feature. Unfortunately I am no longer able to find where is that feature.
Alex, has it disappeared, where is it hidden ?

Do you mean <Code templates>
or <"Edit | Lines | Surround Lines by..." >
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Quote<"Edit | Lines | Surround Lines by..." >
Yes I mean above. But here (1.42.617) I do no longer see that menu option.


Quote from: JJK on February 19, 2009, 02:16:55 PM
Yes I mean above. But here (1.42.617) I do no longer see that menu option.

It may be because this topic is in "Feature requests and suggestions"-sub-form? :D
and Alex think all this little helpers would blow up HE and appeal novice users, so it was never implemented.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Quoteit was never implemented.
I knew that I had seen it somewhere, but it was in my head only !


Quote from: Stefan on February 19, 2009, 02:49:08 PM
It may be because this topic is in "Feature requests and suggestions"-sub-form? :D
and Alex think all this little helpers would blow up HE and appeal novice users, so it was never implemented.
Can't be more right!
Ultraedit became a beast and so buggy just becauce it kept adding small features like this (Other ones like "Trim Tailing Space" and "Delect Blank Lines") to appeal novice users (Which can be done easily through marcos or RegExps) , while do nothing to old existing bugs.
I just tried Hippoedit for one day and I must say I'm impressed. I'm a heavy user of emeditor for years, but really like the concepts behind HE. Emeditor never let my down, but I'll consider moving to HE after it reaches 1.50.  I plan to write a review of HE and EM and would post it to DC forums. Will be finished in this weekend.

You can do this with code temples:"%SelectedText%SUFFIX%|%"
More common way (will work in most modern editors): do a regexp replace "^(.*)$" with "$1YOURSUFFIX"


Welcome on board, zhouzh2

Thanks for your Regexp, I'll try it soon.