Fixed line/columns

Started by plazmon, April 23, 2015, 03:05:40 PM

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I would like to see the following futures in HE: I want to have possibility to fix some lines at the top and/or rows at the left, so that when one scrolls a text these lines/columns remain always visible.


And what about using window splitter? :

Than you can scroll one view having others fixed in some position.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Alex
Yes, indeed, this is what I need. A lot of interesting and useful things have HE
Thank you


Hi Alex!
The window splitter is great thing, but upon closer examination it turned out that it was not that I'd want. I would like to be able to scroll the text in the top / bottom (left / right) parts at the same time.


Put cursor at that view which you want to scroll, or scroll it with mouse wheel over the view or with Ctrl + Down / Ctrl + Up.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Alex!
I know how to scroll text, thank you!  :)
But I want that the text in both views scrolls SIMULTANEOUSLY like in a program for text compare. Even MS Word have option "synchronise scroll"



looks like now your request moved away from initial requirement ;)

Can you please describe the use case for this feature?
- Do you want to scroll simultaneously views of same document or views of different documents?
- How scroll of views with different line count shall be working? 
- How to find this in "even MS Word" ;) ? Have not found it.

I am afraid feature of simultaneous scroll is not available in HE currently and not planned for minor updates. To implement this properly (fex as in NP++), it would be needed not only simultaneous scroll feature but also feature for displaying views/tabs in groups.

But there is as always workaround, which may help you but would require your efforts :) -> Plugin.
- HE supports multi document interface, that may allow you to put several document side by side.
- You will need a registration command for subscribing document/view for simultaneous scroll
- You register on onScroll Event of views
- onScroll event of one of subscribed views/documents you need to rise scroll in other subscribed document/views
- as usual, I will help, if plugin at the end would be published ;)

BR, Alex.
P.S: BTW, scrolling of several  views with same scroll bar not synchronously is not very obvious, so this is why I have gave you the guideline with scrolling of focused view ;)   
HippoEDIT team


Quote from: alex on May 30, 2015, 01:53:36 AM

looks like now your request moved away from initial requirement ;)

Can you please describe the use case for this feature?
- Do you want to scroll simultaneously views of same document or views of different documents?
- How scroll of views with different line count shall be working? 
- How to find this in "even MS Word" ;) ? Have not found it.

I am afraid feature of simultaneous scroll is not available in HE currently and not planned for minor updates. To implement this properly (fex as in NP++), it would be needed not only simultaneous scroll feature but also feature for displaying views/tabs in groups.

But there is as always workaround, which may help you but would require your efforts :) -> Plugin.
- HE supports multi document interface, that may allow you to put several document side by side.
- You will need a registration command for subscribing document/view for simultaneous scroll
- You register on onScroll Event of views
- onScroll event of one of subscribed views/documents you need to rise scroll in other subscribed document/views
- as usual, I will help, if plugin at the end would be published ;)

BR, Alex.
P.S: BTW, scrolling of several  views with same scroll bar not synchronously is not very obvious, so this is why I have gave you the guideline with scrolling of focused view ;)

My wishes don't change from the beginning, it's due to my poor English.
Yes I want to scroll views of the same document. I'll try to explain my use case :). I have a very big table with captions of rows and columns, and try to fixe some line and columns so that the caption remain visible while scrolling the main body of data.
How to scroll different documents it is a question. Utilits for files compare try to find similar lines and show them together. But the simplest way which is implemented in some editors is one-to-one: if in the first view text scroll one line/position then in other scroll the same amount and direction.
I have russian MS Word and there on the tab "view"(Вид) if select button "together"(рядом) and position two windows with documents one may select synchronous scrolling (синхронная прокрутка)

I am not waiting to get this feature in a minor update, just to give a direction for improvement.
Plagin is great, but need time to seize inner world of HE
The absent of additional scrollbars with many views as for me is advantage and is not very unobvious, but it whould be nice to have some visual distinction for the view which has focus.

Thank you for your attantion!


This is how I imagine your example (see image below). Why this foes not fit? What shall you scroll simultaneously?

I have also attached the example file [attachurl=2]
HippoEDIT team


I have more than 7 columns for example:
And I want to see values for different time and for different spices and be in the know what I am looking at :)


OK, now I see. Yes, it make sense for your use case.
Checked also MS Word - I do not think that you can realize that easy with it. Its really more to sync different documents.

I have not planned to develop such feature in the near future, but for single document may do. It is still not easy, while shall be developed scrolling, persistence of the flag for single document + settings of the feature for specific syntax (may be, not see to much sense, but it is like for other display flags). I will do it for next major, if you will also do something for HE ;) :
- develop+publish+maintain useful plugin. You may use your xbrackets but in extended form, like by AkelPad ;). That also gives you HE license.
- document usage of the feature in wiki, based on you example. Something like "How to handle big tables in HippoEDIT"

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


I just have been looking through my big tables and have found that HE support simultaneous scrolling just as I want.  What I need to get such effect is just split windows and do not place 'caret' in any place.
As for my contribute to HE I neither wrote any scripts and also never write wiki? but I'll try
Thank you for your work


Works only with scroll bars. With mouse wheel still scrolled only view under mouse cursor.
With scrolling of both views simultaneously, in other situation, I will treat it as a bug, but now, let us leave it in as a feature ;)
Actually works rather logically :)

BR, Alex
HippoEDIT team