How to delete "Find" history and remove certain "Toolbar"?

Started by paw, June 16, 2015, 07:49:43 PM

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Hi Alex

After using heavily HE for few days, I'm thinking to say goodbye to my longtime friend - Notepad++.  I've to admit that HE is way much better. Impressive editor!

I've two questions so far.

1. Is there any way to delete "Find :: Document" history? Thanks much.
2. How can I hide "Standard Toolbar" on certain workspace? It always get back under "Main Menu" even I deselect "Standard Toolbar"?

Thanks much Alex.


Hi paw,

thanks for the feedback!

Quote1. Is there any way to delete "Find :: Document" history?
There was a way to delete any item from the input history by pressing Del on selected entry. But it is does not work any more :/ I would call it known bug :) , because I was aware of it, but have not fixed. While nobody complained plus, the fix was not-trivial... I will check once more, but do not promise it will come next build. It was rather complex to find a reason...

As not handy workaround you can delete it in workspace file (default.hews). Just search for string you want to delete and you will find out the whole history for that field.

Quote2. How can I hide "Standard Toolbar" on certain workspace? It always get back under "Main Menu" even I deselect "Standard Toolbar"?
It is a bug - I have recreated it. Not known bug :) Will be fixed in next build. Hope so :) It is actually strange, why it does not work, I have seen recently by another user all toolbars hidden, with one of the newest version... strange.

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Hi paw,

Quote2. How can I hide "Standard Toolbar" on certain workspace? It always get back under "Main Menu" even I deselect "Standard Toolbar"?

I can not any more reproduce it - by me works perfectly... Do not know what has been changed. I can swtich off/on any toolbar and state is persisted between sessions.
If you can still reproduce it - please send me your workspace file or better all configuration files: I will try to recreate it with your settings.

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Hi Alex,

I don't create crazy and complicated workspace. Main, Editor and Spell Checker - they're all I need.  I uninstalled / reinstalled HE about 3 days ago. So far, toolbars are staying OK in their positions as I layout.

But if HE toolbars are going wild again, I will definitely let you know.

Thanks Alex.


This does not go about crazy/complicated scenarios. In my case it was also not working for default use case...
But to fix it, I need to reproduce it. And it looks like there is some setting or consumption scenario which can lead to such bug which is not very obvious.

So, please, if you can recreate it somehow, report once more, noticing the way you did it and saving your current configuration files.

BTW: second bug is solved, will be in new build.
HippoEDIT team