Matching strategy

Started by oblivion, November 25, 2015, 06:41:05 PM

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I've just been using HippoEDIT to clean up a .csv that was created from a table by a screenshot-to-text utility.

A few times I found myself having to replace a C with a ( or some bit of nonsense that should have been a ' followed by some text.

And of course the helpful smart brackets / quotes kicked in and did things that I really didn't want that I then had to go back and remove.

So this isn't a request so much as a discussion point: is there any way to identify times when a matching bracket rule isn't likely to be helpful or wanted and disable it automatically? (I sort of figure that if I'm at a line end or midline where the only text to my right is already marked as a comment I'm more likely to want this help than if I'm midline with text immediately to the right of the cursor but I might well be missing something obvious!)

And if something like that can't be done without creating more problems than it solves, might there be some possibility of disabling the feature temporarily via a shortcut or a thing on a toolbar?


As you have already mentioned - it is really not obvious.

I may stop adding paired closing symbol, if I knowm that there is matching closing already added. But it may happen that you still want to add pair symbols. If one adds symmetrtic pair symbol (as '") it even more complicated. The only way to automatically disable feature, when it makes no sense for me be, statistics analysis of existing text and disabling the feautre if text contains too many unclosed open or closing pair symbols. But this will not help in your case + significant effort to implement.

Check the wiki about Auto-Brackets for more details. If you have some ideas of enhancing the logic -> I am open ;).

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Quote from: alex on November 26, 2015, 12:11:10 AM
Check the wiki about Auto-Brackets for more details. If you have some ideas of enhancing the logic -> I am open ;).
I had a feeling it was going to be something that unpacked into a can of worms.  ;)

Thanks for the response, anyway -- the Edit.ToggleSmarties thing may come in handy, if I can work out how to decide on a shortcut that I won't forget within seconds of pressing OK!