Newbie learning VBA - does Hippo help and have related tools?

Started by glnz, September 18, 2016, 05:29:39 PM

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Just started learning VBA on Word 2010.  So I've just started playing with the VBE and editing some incredibly simple sample code, all for the first time (since high school, Fortran IV and punch cards).
Does Hippo help with VBA coding?  Does it have tools specifically related to VBA?  Is there an easy way to move code between the VBE and Hippo?
Please send me a link(s) with this info.
Newbie learning VBA from scratch
Dell Optiplexes with XP, 7 32-bit, 7 64-bit and 10 64-bit, all "Pro"


Hi David,

Unfortunately, there is nothing more except syntax schema for VB in HippoEDIT :/ No plugins, no special tools.
If you would like to have something special, I may try help to integrate it in HippoEDIT (some tool or plugin written in JavaScript code or VBS).
If you know a good online resource for using as contextual help, here I can also help in configuration.

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Alex - thanks for same-day Sunday reply.

I'm just a coding newbie and can't send you anything!  (Except maybe a shot of scotch.)

But I "get it", bro.

I suppose I can copy and paste from Hippo to VBE and vice versa.  We'll see if I even get that far.

Thanks, man!
Newbie learning VBA from scratch
Dell Optiplexes with XP, 7 32-bit, 7 64-bit and 10 64-bit, all "Pro"


I assume, it is still shall be possible to open VBE files directly in HippoEDIT.
If you will get its path in VBE. But of course, copy/paste will also work.
HippoEDIT team