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Keyboard mapping / keys

Started by oblivion, April 28, 2020, 03:50:00 PM

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Hi :>

My portable copy of HippoEdit that I'm using right now has an odd problem -- if I try to paste the current clipboard contents to the current cursor position with ctrl-V, it displays a message saying that the key combination (ctrl-V) is not a command.

I also noticed, while trying to work out what's causing this, that the behaviour of opening a window with everything you might want to do when you hold the ctrl key down for a little too long only opens a small window with almost no content (access to file explorer, project explorer and output.

I must have broken something. (I'm using 1.61, 64-bit.) Is there an obvious way to recover, or should I just delete the settings files and hope HE builds new ones?



that is an old issue, which has nothing to do with a portable version. Just a shortcut cache is corrupted.
Here are more details:

BR, Alex.
HippoEDIT team


Thanks -- that fixed it. (I only mentioned the fact that it was portable in case that made a difference to where the settings might be, by the way.)

I think I might make a little batchfile to delete %temp%\he*.tmp and call it fixhippo.cmd :)


Better would be to find a way to reproduce it :/
HippoEDIT team