Find Incremental

Started by allen, April 19, 2009, 04:46:31 PM

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Find incremental is really cool -- but there's some confusion for me in the menu labelling.

For example, it is coupled with a "find incremental previous" function -- but there is no "find incremental next". Instead, you would use the "Go to next occurrence" -- so the "Go to previous occurrence" and "find incremental previous" are entirely redundant, right?

Further more, I cannot think of a situation in which I would use the incremental search, then hit f3 for "next" intending to use my FIND search rather than incremental.

You could simplify the menu greatly by adding some logic to the "Find next" and "Find Previous" functions.

My suggestion would be
Have "Find Next" and "Find Previous" correspond to whatever the last search method you used was. If you perform a Ctrl+F search, then F3 will advance to the next occurrence of that.  However, if the last search you performed was an incremental search then F3 will map to the next occurrence of that search.

If you smartened up Go To Next/Previous in this way, you could do away with Incremental Previous, next occurrence and prev. occurrence--unless those have some overlap somewhere I'm not familiar with.

The bottom line, though, I think f3 should go to the next occurrence of your last query--incremental or not.


My suggestion, if at all posible, would be to consolodate.


QuoteFor example, it is coupled with a "find incremental previous" function -- but there is no "find incremental next". Instead, you would use the "Go to next occurrence" -- so the "Go to previous occurrence" and "find incremental previous" are entirely redundant, right?
Find Incremental Next is Find Incremental. After your notice I have renamed it to Find Incremental Next. Go to next/previous occurrence search for word under cursor, using last search flags.

QuoteFurther more, I cannot think of a situation in which I would use the incremental search, then hit f3 for "next" intending to use my FIND search rather than incremental.
For incremental search you do not need a dialog, or bar (Quick Search Bar). It is done inplace as you are typing. In addition it highlights all occurences (but navigates to next/previous) plus indicates whole word match or not.

QuoteYou could simplify the menu greatly by adding some logic to the "Find next" and "Find Previous" functions.
Find next  == F3, uses last search parameters (together with searched word) used in Search dialog. With Find Incremental, it is really complex to get which was a real search text, because you can cancel search without typing complete search word...
BTW: Incremetal search also does analysis of how you type search text. If you type in lower case it would be not case sensitive, if you type in upper case or in mixed case, it owuld be case sensitive search.

In case of Incremental Search pressing Ctrl+I once more would navigate you to next occurence, Ctrl+Shit+I to previous.

So we have:

Find Next/Previous - using last search parameters of Cltr+F
Go To Next/Previous - uses current word or selection without dialog
Incremental - seraches as you type, with some specialities.

I think these are three different scenarious, that give you freedom to select most suitable for you ;)

And in addition you have Search Dialog and Quick Search Bar ;)
HippoEDIT team


I now see the use of go to next/previous -- I didn't realize it attached itself to the present word. That's cool.

I still, however, think that when I am in the middle of an incremental search (love this feature, by the way) hitting F3 should go to the next match.  If I am in incremental search and hit F3 (instinctively...) it jumps away from my incremental and to whatever matches the last time I did a full search. I'd just love an option to have F3 handle even inc. search.  Ah well. :)


Ok, this can be realized.

So, when incremental search is On:
Find Next (F3) woud work as Find Incremental Next
Find Previous woud work as Find Incremental Previous

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team
