how difficult is it to create a syntax config? (in hours)

Started by urlwolf, May 02, 2009, 08:39:59 PM

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Just how difficult is it to create a syntax config? (in hours).
I've browsed through FAQ. It looks humongous.

Anyone has done it? How many hours?



I did it  ;D

and I think, my measurements would not pass to others, because I know rules ;)

So I would require for a C like language support from 30 min till 2 hours.
How I am usually doing this:

  • Search for examples of code in language I want to create schema
  • Search for text editor, that has most complete support of language
  • Search for most complete schema for this language from another editors
  • Select parent schema for language among already existing Hippoedit schemas (for example cbase_spec.xml or xml_spec.xml). If no suitable parent schema found, use desource_spec.xml
  • Check for similar schema among of HE schemas to be a template.
  • Take template, save as, change specification for new language (important to change id), based on most complete schema from another editors, adopt comments, strings styles etc, add keyword styles. Save.
  • Copy new schema into Data\syntax folder. Reload HE. The languages should be in the list of available languages (tools->Options->Syntax Settings, in menues, in syntax list in context menu and status bar)
  • Open example language files and compare highlighting results with editor that has best support of the language.
  • Some reiterations by adding new keywords, colors etc.

If you want to have complete schema, than later you can add:

  • Scopes - to have outlining for language working
  • Labels - for function list/navigattion bar
  • Templates - for support of code templates (in user file)
  • Help and Tool items - in user file

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team