Welcome New Member, say Hello and tell us your story

Started by Stefan, November 10, 2009, 12:11:25 AM

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Hello new member, welcome to our forum and welcome to HippoEDIT

If you want you may explain how you have found HippoEDIT,
what for you use it, what you like on it and what you expect from it.

If you like, say something about yourself and your background or skills.
Where do you come from? Which is your favorite soccer club? What do you do in real live?
(Old user may contribute as well, of course  ;))

If you do not want to tell us that much, you may just post an "Hello, i am here!" ;D

How ever you feel, welcome!
We hope you will enjoy staying here and also will be satisfied using HippoEDIT

Happy HippoEDITing
Alex, Stefan and all current HippoEDIT users

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If you don't know what to do next we will mention a few interesting places to go:
If you just want to share your test experiences => Testimonials (Pleased user thanks)
If you want to say "Thank you" for an special feature => Great feature, thank you Alex!
If you like to know about release frequency => The support Iteration FAQ
If you want to learn about Syntax files or RegEx => Browse the FAQ Forum
If you want to contribute on improvements => Feature requests Forum
or vote for Which feature you would like to see in HippoEDIT next?
If you want to read the Roadmap, point to => Beta 1.50
If you want to help implementing Scripting, browse to => Scripting, Scripts and Macros
If you use an other Editor, tell us what's better with it => HippoEDIT vs Other text editors
If you have found an bug or an malfunction, describe it here => Bug reports
If you are an experienced user and want to test betas, check out => Beta Version Test Forum
If you want to Download latest stable release of HippoEDIT, visit the => Download Page
If you want to see all the features of HippoEDIT find them at => Features Page
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-