Open files on startup

Started by TucknDar, December 08, 2009, 11:09:46 PM

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While I love most of the things with HippoEDIT, there's one feature that I've been missing. There is the possibility to Open Last Files At Startup, which I use, but I would love to see the option of only opening the last files if no file is passed to HE on startup.

So if you open HE from a shortcut it opens with the last opened files, but if you launch HE by opening an associated file, HE will only open this file, and NOT the last open files. Hope that explanation makes sense.. it's getting late here and I've got a slight fever :P

I don't remember exactly which editor has this option, but I believe it's Notepad++


Hi TucknDar,

Yes, your explanation is clear enough and this is already like this ;) And there are several ways to achieve this.

1) Standard, an used mostly - using viewer workspace . For example when opening with Context Menu from Window Explorer or after double click on file when file association is done inside of the HippoEDIT with Tools->File Associations. HippoEDIT supports workspace concept, where workspace stores open files, projects, history etc (File->Workspace->Properties). One of standard workspaces is viewer workspace, which does not store open files. When you can hippoedit with context menu for example it opens file with viewer workspace with viewer optimized layout and no files open, and you get only one new file displayed. You can select which workspace use as viewer in Tools->Options->General->Workspaces.

2) Second way. Open hippoedit with additional command line flag --close_all (full list with hippoedit --help) and you file as second parameter.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Oh, wow... I guess I need to look closer at the workspace stuff.

Thanks, alex. I suppose HE is even better than I thought ;)