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Various bugs

Started by JJK, December 04, 2008, 10:48:49 AM

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1) Tools/Options/Keyboard :
I cannot assign a key to Tools/Options, because when on this line in the list of available commands, Tools/Options refers always to Tools/File Associations.

2) When Help system uses integrated browser, sometimes it opens 3 files "HE help" (this one is empty), "Introducing HE" and "Contents" instead of one file. But I did not understand in what circumstances. More : if I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, every time those 3 files are opened. So if I hit 4 times Ctrl-Alt-F1, I have 4 files "HE help" (all empty), 4 files "Introducing HE" and 4 files "Contents". Worst : under that circumstances (those many help files opened), I quit HE then I re-open HE. Then I have error messages "Internet Exploer cannot open the page" in opened files and "script error" message about HippoEdit.chm.

3) In Stream mode, there is no indicator in status bar. In Column/Line mode, CLN/LIN are displayed.

4) Tools/Options/Available syntaxes : even if I uncheck some items, when I re-open HE, all are checked. By the way, what is supposed to do unchecking some syntaxes ? Also, when I clik on "Syntax settings" item (which is a list header), nothing happens. Should not it be the same as "Available syntaxes" ?

5) Tools/Options/Syntax settings : option Palin Text is not correctly placed by alpha order.

Good fixing...


1) Found. Would be fixed next beta.

2) A little bit more, but I can reproduce it. Would fix.

3) Initially I decided to show nothing in normal selection mode (stream mode) to not overcroud the status bar, but because this is already 2 request, I have added STM for stream mode. Would be available next beta.

4) Hm... Here is once more strange situation :) In my case unchecked state persistet. The purpose for them to enable/disable some syntaxes (to not show synstaxes you are not working with in menues, file open dialog etc). I have changed label text for available languages to make this more clear and have moved it under Syntaxes options node. It was not a bug that they was under Available Syntaxes, but I agree that this is better place.

5) Fixed with new beta.

Thanks ;)
HippoEDIT team


About beta 1.40 build 550
QuoteTools/Options/Keyboard : I cannot assign a key to Tools/Options
QuoteIn Stream mode, there is no indicator in status bar
Added STM. Thanks.
QuoteTools/Options/Syntax settings : option Plain Text is not correctly placed by alpha order
Not yet fixed, perhaps by design ? (placed as Text Plain). Also for example Visual FoxPro is placed at FoxPro Visual position.

Other bugs found (added or already in previous releases) or requests:
1) Assign f.e. Ctrl-F1 to Help Keyboard Map. Doesn't work every time. Most of times sends to Internet instead of open an internal window. Yet menu Help Keyboard Map, without shortcut Crl-F1, always opens internal window, as expected.
Also here Keyboard Map displays "{" instead of "F12".
2) Now level zoom is on status bar. Thanks. Works enough fine. Just some glitches : 150% applies 100%, 25% ->20%, 75%->70%. Will it be possible, to set by keyboard any level ? (low priority).
3) With Fixedsys font (in principle proportional), selected text in column mode is not rectangular. Perhaps it is impossible to do somethiing.
4) Possible to add "Preferences" and "Keyboard" at command list to be able to assign them a shortcut key ?
Good work...

Best regards


You was faster then I, with updating of history of changes ;)

2) what about
Quote2) When Help system uses integrated browser...
. Should be fixed.
5) was fixed, but then lost when I merged source code :) Whould fix once more.

now about new bugs:
1) Ctrl+F1 is default shortcut used by to open syntax dependent help. Check Help->Syntax Help->Manage Help. And because syntax is not always available (defined not for every syntax), it is not possible to disable selectiong of it in keyboard settings. The same true and for shortcuts for syntax dependent templates. And in addition syntax help and templates shortcuts have priority against of keyboard map. Can you tell me for which language you have used Ctrl+F1? HMTL?
A would think what possible to do, but for now dont have an idea.. Only to disable Ctrl+F1 for selecting, but you any way would have problems with another shortcuts defined  global or for some syntax...
And about
QuoteAlso here Keyboard Map displays "{" instead of "F12".
. I know thi problem, but for now have not solved it, it requre to adopt xslt procesing done on xml of schema my browser. But it could not be solved for all cases, because xslt has no knowledge about current keyboard layout for example, and it can work only for one keyboard layout completely correctly. But I owuld check at least for function keys..
2) Generally it is not possible to set ANY scale level. Because scaling done based on font size. And if you have font size 10 pt, you could not get 75 or 11% for example. That is a reason for 25-20, 75-70, but 150-100 is strange... And for user defined, maybe I can add dialog called from status menu to set it.
3) Yes, it is not possible for not monospaced fonts because selection is done in chars any way, but not in pixels. So such corruped rectangle is Ok. Maybe I would think for beautify colum,n selection, but not in near feature.
Quoteadd "Preferences"
you mean current syntax settings you can call with context menu on overview margin? Generally possible.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


About beta 1.40 build 551

1) Since some builds, when I install them, I lose some of my settings, for example my keyboard shortcuts. It seems that a "keymap_default.xml.old" is created but I think it is not very handy, because we have to copy it under "keymap_default.xml" to restore old keyboard shortcuts.

2) This is an old issue : when I try to edit an existing code template, modifying its key or its description, HE crashes. With b551, it works better but I have had yet some crashes, trying to insert CAPITAL letters in key. Is there any rules to respect in key/description name ?

3) You added command for Options.Keyboard. Thanks. But not yet for Options.Preferences (which one obtains right clicking on overview bar).
(Edited : I had not seen Options.CurrentFontColors which is what I expected. Thanks.)

4) Template : %CurrentWord% now works even not entirely selected. Checked.

5) Yesterday, on build550/Vista, I could see only 5 lines for Templates instead of 7 on build551/XP. Is it due to any config of Windows ?


1) Just create your own schema with different name (in keyboard settings page). Initially it would be a copy of Default. Then you can modify shortcuts as you like and they would not be ovewritten. Default keyboard layout is always overwritten as sample where I introduce new shortcuts. In you schema, if new commands would be defined, yow would see them also, but just without shortcuts.

2) No there is no rules for description or name. I would try to find the crash, but please, if you can get some reproducable scenario - inform me. This would help a lot.

3) Untill I wrote the answer, I have ofund that you already found correct command ;)

4) This was fixed already with 550, I just forget to notice this in history.

5) It can depend from default font size you have in the system. I have checked - in my case there are 7...
HippoEDIT team


QuoteJust create your own schema with different name... Default keyboard layout is always overwritten as sample where I introduce new shortcuts.
Good. What happens if new shortcuts you introduced are same as some of mine (but assigned to another command) ?

Quotetry to edit an existing code template... some reproducable scenario
OS=XP or Vista. Some document is opened, even of the same syntax as Code Template's one. I just edit key field in [Edit Code Template] window for any shortcut existing. When I click on OK button, and boom ! HE crashes with "HippoEdit MFC Application" entitled window.


1) If you use you own keyboard schema, then it would not be owerwritten at all. You would have your old shortcuts inside and would see in the list just new commands in addition to existing, not shotcuts (there is indirect linking, I have list of commands, which is not changed by user - commands.xml and keyboard map - keymap_default.xml, that refers to commands defined in commands.xml).

2) Ok, I have reproduce it :/ Would try to provide fix next beta.
HippoEDIT team


QuoteIf you use you own keyboard schema, then it would not be owerwritten at all.

BTW, can you confirm the precedence between shortcuts assigned to templates and keyborad shortcuts assigned to some command ? According to me, the second ones precede the first ones.


Shortcuts for template, Tools and syntax help have priorities over shortcuts assigned for some command.

So for example: if you have Ctrl+A as Select All, but then would assign to some template for HTML, then if you call Ctrl+A in HTML document, template would be called, but not a Select All. In document with different syntax (fex Plain Text) Select All would be executed.
HippoEDIT team


Since yesterday (1.40.552), when I choose Help/Keyboard Map, instead of have some tables with rows and columns, I have a list as below:
  <Shortcut verb_id="Edit.ParagraphNext" key="221" virt="true" ctrl="true" />
  <Shortcut verb_id="Edit.ExtParagraphNext" key="221" virt="true" shift="true" ctrl="true" />
  <Shortcut verb_id="Edit.ExtColumnParagraphNext" key="221" virt="true" shift="true" ctrl="true" alt="true" />
  <Shortcut verb_id="Edit.ParagraphPrev" key="219" virt="true" ctrl="true" />

Yet, with Help/Syntax specification, the file is correctly displayed, ie with tables and not only lines of text.
What happens ?


Probably you have deleted file keymap.xslt, which contains XSLT transformation code used by browser to display HTML instead of XML.

Try install on top of 1.40.553 - it should copy it in your folder once more.
HippoEDIT team


QuoteProbably you have deleted file keymap.xslt
No, I had it, dated 24.11.07. Now I have uninstalled 1.40.553 included user settings and all others after having backuped keymap_JJK.xml. Then I reinstalled 1.40.553 and imported my keymap_JJK.xml. Now it's OK. Keymap is correctly displayed by Help/Keyboard Map.

Another weird behaviour seen before and since un/reinstall : I change font for PlainText syntax, from Lucida (btw for me that default font is not beautiful, and missing better font I prefer Courier New) to "Use from Default" which is here Courier New. I click on Apply then OK buttons, then quit HE. Every time I re-open HE, PlainText font goes back to Lucida.
Here is my "text_user.xml" file :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="syntax.xslt"?>
<FILEINFO author="XXXX" type="LangUser"/>
<SYNTAX id="text" inherit="def_text" inherit_url="deftext_user.xml">
<WordWrap mode="1" show_glyphs="false"/>
<Display outlining="false" indicator_margin="false" guides="false"/>
<Style id="curr_line_frame" clr="#FFFFFFFF" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<Style id="url" underline="1" clr="Keyword" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<Style name="Title" bold="1" clr="Keyword4" bkclr="#FFFFFFFF"/>

BTW I read in its content "deftext_user.xml", but I have no "deftext_user.xml" file. Is there a link ?

Edited : I think I have found an explanation of issue : no <FONTS> tag in "deftext_user.xml", but why, that is the question... I noticed also that with an other font different than "Use from default", this one is recorded. All that applies only to PlainText syntax.


With not persistant font, probably it is a bug. Thanks a lot for help with investigation! I would check next week (after 22.12.2008) when would come back from vacation.
Attribute with deftext_user.xml probably not a bug. inherit_url attribute is not used in the application itself, but useful to do navigation between parent and child specification, when you view syntax file with a browser. So, I think I generate it by default, when create a file, dont checking that it is exist (in hope that it would be created ;) ). But I agree that would be good to have a valid filename there. I would try to do my best ;)
HippoEDIT team


Quotewhen would come back from vacation
Hello alex, I hope your vacation is good.

QuoteAnd probably would not have till then Internet access.
I see you have had an internet access. Cheers.