Highlight portions of current line only

Started by kryten, September 02, 2010, 01:43:25 PM

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Maybe I'm just going crazy, but I don't seem to be able to
highlight portions of plain text on a single line.

If I select and drag up, or down a line the text highlights OK, but that
screws up precise cutting of the text.

Please tell me I'm missing something silly.



Just checked on my laptop and HippoEdit is highlighting properly on there.
My syntax/colouring/options are identical on that installation.
Weird. Will try re-installing.


Hi Stuart,

I was not able to understand what you tried to explain :)
Can you describe in step by step instruction what should be done, and what does not work (or work not as expected).
Maybe screenshot or screen cam?

I was able to edit/select part of the line without any problem.

Best regards,
P.S: read your second post. Try reinstall, maybe you have changed something in selection style or what ever. Or some settings.
HippoEDIT team


Thanks Alex,

The re-install fixed the problem.

The issue was when I was trying to select portions of a line of text, the
highlighting would not be visible until my selection crossed a line above or
below the current line.

Thanks for the speedy response in any case.



This is now happening again. I haven't changed anything that I am aware of in my settings.

In the screen shot all I am doing is opening a new plain text then typing 'hello world' then selecting the word hello. No highlighting appears until I add text on line two then select down to there, at which time the highlighting seems to work fine. I use yellow text on a red background for highlighting.

This is the same with multi-line text. Highlighting works great for all lines except the current line.

I have a feeling that the text IS being selected and highlighted - just not with the options I think should be used for highlighting. Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between highlighting the current line and other lines. Preferably by referring to the exact settings needed in the options?



Current line highlighting under options was the culprit. I deselected and all was well again.


Oh man! Good find! ;D

Thanks for the feedback.
Stefan, HippoEDIT beta tester 
HippoEDIT - the editor programmers wants to code thyself when they are dreaming.        -Don't just edit. HippoEDIT!-


Hi Stuart,

the trick is, I think, that your current line color is not transparent enough (alpha setting should be more than 0%). And because current line style layered on top of selection style (by design) it hides it. If current line background color is transparent (as it is by default) it should work. I have checked with default color schemes and described ad it works. So the problem, probably in your settings. If you like you can send me your data folder (about box for path) and I will check what is a reason.

BR, Alex.

HippoEDIT team



Thanks for that. You are actually exactly correct in your diagnosis.

When I set the transparency level for the current line (which is actually black) to between 20..90% I can then re-enable current line highlighting in the options and text selection works perfectly. So the Window Background, due to no transparency/alpha was 'consuming' the selection highlighting. In a sense.

It would be really cool, for a dope like me, to get a pop up a warning if I tried to make option changes that conflicted like that.

As it happens I have HippoEdit set up to look absolutely spectacular for editing Powershell, Perl, Python and VBScript and could not be happier with the program! But please don't let that put you off implementing themes and icon personalisation.... ;-)

Thanks again,



Hi Stuart,

good that you are now aware ;) Such situation like you have is rather difficult to determine in configuration editing, because HE does not know what will be a resulting layer sequence of styles, so it can not predict that something will be invisible. It can be also by design that you want to not see other styles through current line style. And also transparency is maintained for COLOR, and you can select the "current line" color to any other style, not only "current line" style. So such determination will be very complex and also not 100% correct.

But for text color you will never get such problems, because there it is checked with contrast ration, that with any combination of text color and background text will be readable.

With theming and icon customization -  I think this will come not earlier than 1.60, when I plan to switch GUI lib to new MFC. Same time, I think, will come also internationalization support.

BR, Alex
HippoEDIT team