Specific search function - does it exist in HE?

Started by jgodfrey, November 23, 2010, 06:20:24 PM

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Hi All,

I'm a new HE user (potentially moving from PSPad) but I can't find a search feature that I use often in PSPad.  I'm guessing the HE might have it but I'm not sure.

It works like this:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Up (to search up) or Ctrl+Shift+Down (to search down)
  • If there is text currently selected, PSPad searches for the next or previous match (based on arrow key in combo).
  • If no text is currently selected, but the insertion cursor is within the bounds of a "word", that entire word is automatically selected and the search is performed as above.
  • If no text is currently selected, but the insertion cursor is not within the bounds of a "word", nothing happens.

So, to quickly search in either direction for a given word, I only have to do this:

  • Place the insertion cursor within the bounds of the word
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down to search for prev/next occurrence
  • Press again to move the "next" prev/next occurrence

Does HE have a similar search feature?  




Hi Jeff,

welcome on forum.

I think you mean "Go to the Next Occurence"/"Go to Previous Occurence": Navigation->Find and Replace-> last items.
You can also use Smart Navigate. In some cases it works similar (search for previous/first occurence of the word inside of current block).

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



Perfect!  After changing the keyboard shortcuts to what I'm used to, it works almost exactly as I described above.

Thank you.



Hi All,

I am also a new HE user from pspad.

Is there any way to stop this feature at the end of the file? (previous/first occurence)




Hi Christine,

Sorry for such a late response. Just noticed your post.

You just need to uncheck "Wrap Search" on the Search Dialog. Than Find Next/Previous would stop on start/end of a file.

BR, Alex
HippoEDIT team