Which feature you would like to see in HippoEDIT next?

Started by alex, May 09, 2009, 04:00:47 PM

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Please share here you priorities about requested features

Enhancements for Find Output widow. Details...
9 (45%)
Spell Checker. Details...
6 (30%)
HippoEDIT as plugin for external applications. Details...
5 (25%)
Command iterpreter/Command console. Details...
6 (30%)
Online Functionality. Details...
7 (35%)
Scripting support. Details...
15 (75%)
XML outlining. Details...
4 (20%)
Python (indent based) outlining. Details...
3 (15%)
FTP Client plugin. Details...
6 (30%)
HEX viewer plugin. Details...
0 (0%)
Multiple searches highlighted in different colors. Details...
4 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Hello All,

There are several visions of what is more important for HippoEDIT (in features perspective). My Vision an Users Vision ;).
Of course these visions are not always match. So to see how requested feature important for all other users and force me to do it earlier we need this poll.

The poll would go through all versions, and would be updated as far as somebody request new feature or feature would be implemented in new release.

Because nobody has time to collect all already submitted suggestions and keep them up to date, we would proceed in the following way:
- the feature request to vote would be added one by one
- if you would like your feature request to be voted, please create separated topic (not here), describing your request in details and post in this thread request to add idea to a voted list. I or Stefan would add it to the list with link to details post and delete your request in this thread.
- please submit only feature requests, bug reports are processed with higher priority and should be discussed in Bug Reports board.
HippoEDIT team


IMHO no FTP, Hex, and other task specific tools not needed to be embedded into the core editor - there are lot of nice specialized tools (FileZilla, e.g.), but seems likely having method to send data to such tools - export/import some task specific data, so this is task for "tools" environment.


:) there is already long discussion post about FTP client in HE ;)
And about tools: there are already a lot of stuff can be passed as argument (using templates) but some more stuff is planned and will be added some when. I also plan to have more then one output panel, so you can run more then one tool in parallel.
HippoEDIT team


Syntax checking for Python. I can use an external tool to do this, but real-time syntax checking is a handy feature.

Also, having prefdefined Code Templates for Python (if, for, etc.) would  be lovely.


Hi Robin,

sorry, but I do not think that HippoEDIT is right editor for this. I do not make specialization for any syntax.
BUT. This probably will be possible with plug-ins. Spell checker plug-in (I am developing now for 1.50) will be implemented as so called StyleInformer, which allows external plug-ins to add additional styles on top of HippoEDIT styles. So, there will be a way that somebody can implement such functionality for HE, for example using the tool you have mentioned as source for data. I can help in this as much as I can.
If this will come on my shoulders, the feature probably will come in todo, but with low priority, because it is language specific. But let us see.

About predefined templates: here normally professionals in the Python should help, because I have no idea about what developers need and what is useful. So, if you can, just add them into your schema (Tools->Options->Syntax Settings->Python->Code Templates, this is really easy) and I will check them and add to default schema. This will help all new Python developers.

There is also one more problem for Python exist, as indent based outlining. This is in todo and will be added as soon as possible. But in 1.5x release, because it is new development.

But in any case thanks a lot for suggestion.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team


Quote from: Alexindent based outlining. This is in todo and will be added as soon as possible
Yep, very good news. It seems I'm the only one who asked for that in the poll.
So, great thanks.



does not matter that if you voted only one :) I think people prefer to read then to actively participate :)
Without this feature (and also XML like outlining) I could not tell that HE supports Python, so this it will be added.
But probably in same time when I will do XML outlining. Currently not yet planned.

Best regards,
HippoEDIT team



This is done in 1.50 beta.

Enhancements for Find Output widow. Details... 8 (12.9%)
Spell Checker. Details... 6 (9.7%)
Command iterpreter/Command console. Details... 6 (9.7%)
Scripting support. Details...

This will come soon (also in 1.50).
Online Functionality. Details... 7 (11.3%)
HippoEDIT team